Our Services
At Scotia Investments, we offer specialized investment management services to both corporate and
individual clients. We are pleased to provide our clients with timely and relevant advice to assist them
in achieving their financial objectives.
Our Asset Management services are carried out via the following types of accounts:
Discretionary Investment Management Account
Investments are managed based on our clients’ investment objectives and risk tolerance. Holders of
these accounts authorize Scotia Investments to make portfolio management decisions in their best
interest without having to consult with them.
Non-Discretionary Investment Management Account
Scotia Investments provides investment advice and recommendations based on the client’s
investment objectives. For these accounts, trades are only executed in accordance with client specific
Partial-Discretionary Investment Management Account
Scotia Investments is authorized to make some, but not all portfolio decisions once they are within the
parameters, decided by the client. All trades outside of those parameters are dealt with on the same
basis as a Non-Discretionary Account.
Corporate Trust Services
Scotia Investments also offers a Corporate Trust service that includes escrow and paying agent
services for large institutional clients including government and non-government agencies both locally
and internationally.